Terms & Conditions

A.1 These Terms of Service form an agreement (Agreement) between InvoiceSmash Pty Ltd ABN 67 143 533 233 of Level 20, Tower A, Zenith Towers, 821 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, NSW 2067, Australia (InvoiceSmash or the Provider) and the Customer (Customer or You).
B.1 Please see the privacy policy that is located here.
C.1 Solution Description.
(a) InvoiceSmash software automates data entry of payable invoices to cloud-based accounting systems. Your access to the Solution includes:
i A unique account within the Solution (Customer Account);
ii A unique ‘capture’ email address to send invoices (Capture Email);
iii A unique API to allow third-party connections (Customer API); and
iv Integration with your cloud-based accounting system (Customer Integration).
(b) You access the Solution by either uploading invoices inside your Customer Account or emailing invoices to your Capture Email.
(c) The Solution will then process the invoice data and make it available in your cloud-based accounting system through the Customer Integration.
C.2 Term. Your license to access the Solution shall be ongoing subject to paying the required Fees & Charges and compliance with these Terms of Service.
C.3 Limitations on Use. InvoiceSmash may limit or restrict access to the solution from time-to-time as it sees fit, including limitations on the number of users or number of organisation.
D.1 Upfront Fees & Charges. You will be notified of any Upfront Fees & Charges to access the Solution.
D.2 Ongoing Fees & Charges. You will be notified of any Ongoing Fees & Charges for using the Solution.
D.3 Other Fees & Charges. You will be notified of any Other Fees & Charges relevant to your access to the Solution.
D.4 Changes to Fees & Charges. InvoiceSmash may change any Fee & Charges at any time by giving you 1 days’ notice. These changes will become effective at the commencement of your next billing period or the next time you use the Solution.
D.5 GST. All Fees & Charges are quoted exclusively of GST and GST is payable by you.
D.6 Payment Terms. InvoiceSmash will provide you with a tax invoice for your use of the Solution which shall set out the terms of payment.
D.7 Refunds. Unless specifically agreed to, no refunds are provided.
E.1 InvoiceSmash will keep the information that you submit confidential.
F.1 Either party may end this Agreement at any time by written notice.
G.1 Governing Law. New South Wales, Australia
G.2 Reference City. Sydney
1.1 The parties may agree to any Special Conditions to this Agreement in writing. Where the parties make such Special Conditions those Special Conditions shall prevail over any inconsistency with any other provisions of this Agreement.
2.1 You authorise InvoiceSmash to connect to your cloud-based accounting system using the Customer Integration.
2.2 You agree and accept that the Solution is dependent on the ongoing availability of your cloud-based accounting system and that changes to their services may affect your ability to use the Solution in part or all.
2.3 You must comply with the terms & conditions of your cloud-based accounting system.
3.1 You accept that the Solution may not always produce perfect results and you warrant that you are responsible for the quality of any data. InvoiceSmash’s liability is limited under these Terms of Service.
3.2 You must observe all relevant accounting principles and InvoiceSmash strongly recommends that you have your account maintained by a bookkeeper or accountant.
1.1 The Customer wishes to access the Solution provided by the Provider.
1.2 The terms and conditions in this agreement govern the provision of the Solution to the Customer by the Provider.
2.1 The following definitions apply in this document:
(a) ABN means Australian Business Number.
(b) ACN means Australian Company Number.
(c) Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) on which banks are open for general banking business in the Reference City set out in item G of the Particulars.
(d) Commencement Date means the date set out in this agreement.
(e) Confidential Information means all information (whether or not it is described as confidential) in any form or medium concerning any past, present or future business, operations or affairs of either party, including, without limitation:
i all technical or non-technical data, formulae, patterns, programs, devices, methods, techniques, plans, drawings, models and processes, source and object code, software and computer records;
ii all business and marketing plans and projections, details of agreements and arrangements with third parties, and customer and supplier information and lists;
iii all financial information, pricing schedules and structures, product margins, remuneration details and investment outlays;
iv all information concerning any employee, customer, contractor, supplier or agent of the relevant party;
v the party's policies and procedures; and
vi all information contained in this document,
2.2 but excludes information that the other party can establish:
i is known by or is in the other party's possession or control other than through a breach of this document and is not subject to any obligation of confidence; or
ii is in the public domain other than by a breach of this document or any obligations of confidence.
(b) Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
(c) Customer Data means data that is entered into the Solution by the Customer that forms part of its Intellectual Property.
(d) Fees & Charges means the fees and charges as set out in item D of the Particulars.
(e) Force Majeure means an event or cause beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming force majeure. It includes each of the following, to the extent it is beyond the reasonable control of that party:
i act of God, lightning, storm, flood, fire, earthquake or explosion cyclone, tidal wave, landslide, adverse weather conditions;
ii act of public enemy, war (declared or undeclared), terrorism, sabotage, blockade, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, epidemic;
iii the effect of any change in applicable laws, orders, rules or regulations of any government or other competent authority; and
iv embargo, inability to obtain necessary materials, equipment or facilities, or power or water shortage.
(f) General Conditions means the terms and conditions set out in the section of this agreement entitled “General Conditions”.
(g) GST has the meaning given by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth).
(h) Intellectual Property means all rights (present and future) conferred by common law, equity or statute (and all moral rights) connected with business names, computer software, confidential information, copyright, designs, domain names, formulas, inventions, knowhow, patents, trade marks, and other results of intellectual activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic field, the benefit of any application to register such a right and the benefit of any renewal or extension of such a right.
(i) Particulars means this agreement’s details and variables set out in the section of this agreement entitled “Particulars”.
(j) Pricing means the pricing set out in this agreement or as notified to the Customer in writing by the Provider from time-to-time.
(k) Privacy Act means the Privacy Act 1989 (Cth).
(l) Privacy Policy means the Privacy Policy found at the address in item B of the Particulars.
(m) Solution means the solution described in item C of the Particulars.
(n) Special Conditions means the terms and conditions set out in the section of this agreement entitled “Special Conditions”.
(o) Tax Invoice has the meaning given by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth).
2.3 Headings are only for convenience and do not affect interpretation. The following rules apply unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) The singular includes the plural and the opposite also applies.
(a) If a word or phrase is defined, any other grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning.
(b) A reference to a clause refers to clauses in this agreement.
(c) A reference to legislation is to that legislation as amended, re enacted or replaced, and includes any subordinate legislation issued under it.
(d) Mentioning anything after includes, including, or similar expressions, does not limit anything else that might be included.
(e) A reference to a party to this agreement or another agreement or document includes that party’s successors and permitted substitutes and assigns (and, where applicable, the party’s legal personal representatives).
(f) A reference to a person, corporation, trust, partnership, unincorporated body or other entity includes any of them.
(g) A reference to information is to information of any kind in any form or medium, whether formal or informal, written or unwritten, for example, computer software or programs, concepts, data, drawings, ideas, knowledge, procedures, source codes or object codes, technology or trade secrets.
(h) A reference to dollars or $ is to an amount in Australian currency.
3.1 This agreement applies to use of and access to the Solution.
3.2 Where the Customer does not accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Customer must immediately cease using the Solution.
3.3 This agreement may be updated by the Provider at its absolute discretion from time-to-time, and unless stated otherwise by the Provider in writing, such updates shall come into effect for use of the Solution, at the commencement of the following quarter after the Customer receives notice of the update(s).
4.1 By using the Solution, the customer acknowledges and agrees to:
(a) These Terms of Service; and
(b) The Privacy Policy.
5.1 The Solution is the product described in item C of the Particulars.
5.2 The Solution is only accessible to the Customer for the term set out in item C of the Particulars.
5.3 The Customer agrees and accepts that the Solution is:
(a) hosted by the Provider and shall only be installed, accessed and maintained by the Provider, accessed using the internet or other connection to the Provider servers and is not available ‘locally’ from the Customer’s systems; and
(b) managed and supported exclusively by the Provider from the Provider servers and that no ‘back-end’ access to the Solution is available to the Customer unless expressly agreed in writing.
5.4 As a hosted and managed service, the Provider reserves the right to upgrade, maintain, tune, backup, amend, add or remove features, redesign, improve or otherwise alter the Solution.
5.5 The Provider shall not exercise its rights under clause 5.4 in a manner that would intentionally cause the Customer to lose access to Customer Data or fundamentally decrease the utility of the Solution to the Customer, other than in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
6.1 By accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Customer is granted a limited, non-exclusive and revocable license to access the Solution for the duration of this agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
6.2 The Provider may issue the license to the Customer on the further terms or limitations set out in item C of the Particulars (including the number of users) as it sees fit.
6.3 The Provider may revoke or suspend the Customer’s license(s) in its absolute discretion for any reason that it sees fit, including for breach of the terms and conditions in this agreement by the Customer’s users. The Provider will ordinarily advise the Customer of any suspension or revocation however it is under no obligation to do so.
7.1 The Customer agrees that it shall only use the Solution for legal purposes and shall not use it to engage any conduct that is unlawful, immoral, threatening, abusive or in a way that is deemed unreasonable by the Provider in its discretion.
8.1 The Customer shall authorise users to access the Solution in its absolute discretion. The Provider accepts no liability for access to Customer Data by users authorised by the Customer or using login details of users authorised by the Customer.
8.2 The Customer is solely responsible for the security of its username and password for access to the Solution.
8.3 The Customer is responsible for ensuring that users comply with this agreement in full and are liable for any breach of them.
9.1 The Provider obtains no right, title or interest in Customer Data including any Intellectual Property found within it. The Provider accepts no liability for the content of Customer Data.
9.2 The Customer is responsible for the accuracy, quality and legality of Customer Data and the Customer’s acquisition of it, and the users that create, access and/or use Customer Data.
9.3 Despite clause 9.1 the Provider shall be authorised to permanently delete Customer Data where outstanding Fees & Charges remain unpaid in accordance with clauses 11 and 12.
9.4 The Provider shall not access, use, modify or otherwise deal with Customer Data except where required by compulsion of law or upon the Customer’s authority (such as to provide support for the Solution).
10.1 The Provider maintains the Privacy Policy in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act for data that it collects about the Customer and other customers. The Provider agrees to abide by the Privacy Act regardless of whether the Provider is legally bound by that act.
10.2 The Privacy Policy does not apply to how the Customer handles Customer Data. It is the Customer’s responsibility to meet the obligations of the Privacy Act by implementing a Privacy Policy in accordance with law.
10.3 The Provider makes no warranty as to the suitability of the Solution in regards to the Customer’s privacy obligations at law or contract, and it is the Customer’s responsibility to determine whether the Solution is appropriate for the Customer’s circumstances.
11.1 The Customer agrees to pay all Fees & Charges as and when they fall due and to the extent permissible by law Fees & Charges are non-cancellable or refundable once ordered or paid.
11.2 The Customer agrees to pay the Provider the Upfront Fees & Charges set out in item D of the Particulars for the Solution.
11.3 The Customer agrees to pay the Provider the Ongoing Fees & Charges set out in item D of the Particulars for the Solution.
11.4 The Customer agrees to pay the Provider the Other Fees and Charges set out in item D of the Particulars for the Solution.
11.5 The Provider may introduce new services and/or Fees & Charges by giving the Customer written notice of their availability and applicability.
11.6 The Provider shall notify the Customer of any changes to existing Fees & Charges no less than the time period for notice in item D of the Particulars. The Provider reserves the right to change the Fees & Charges in item D of the Particulars at any time at its absolute discretion.
11.7 If the Customer does not accept a change to Fees & Charges, the Customer must notify the Provider before the commencement of the next billing period.
11.8 Fees & Charges for calendar periods shall be adjusted pro-rata for initial charges, and then charged for the full calendar period in advance.
11.9 The Provider may revoke or suspend the Customer’s license to access the Solution for unpaid Fees & Charges without liability.
11.10 Where the Provider:
(a) is required to perform any services for the Customer outside of what is set out in this agreement or otherwise in writing; and
(b) is subject to delays caused by changes or complexities outside of its control (and not caused by its breach of this agreement); then
(c) the Customer agrees that the Provider shall be entitled to charge the Customer an additional amount that is reasonable for the service performed.
11.11 Fees & Charges are inclusive or exclusive of GST as set out in item D of the Particulars.
12.1 The Provider shall issue the Customer a Tax Invoice for all Fees & Charges. The terms of payment set out in item D of the Particulars shall apply.
12.2 Where Fees & Charges are payable:
12.3 in advance, no services shall be commenced or provided unless a Tax Invoice has been issued and paid in full;
12.4 in arrears, the Provider reserves the right to cease work and not perform any further services until the Tax Invoice for those Fees & Charges have been paid.
12.5 Should the Customer dispute a Tax Invoice, the Customer must notify the Provider of the disputed item within 5 Business Days of the date of the Tax Invoice. The Customer must pay the amount of the Tax Invoice not in dispute within the prescribed payment period.
12.6 Overdue Tax Invoices shall accrue interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or in default, the maximum rate of penalty interest prescribed under law.
12.7 The Customer authorises the Provider to use the Customer’s information for the purposes of obtaining a credit assessment or to otherwise make investigations as to the Customer’s payment history.
12.8 No refunds are offered unless provided for in item D of the Particulars or as required by law.
13.1 Security. The Provider takes the security of the Solution and the privacy of its users very seriously. The Customer agrees that the Customer shall not do anything to prejudice the security or privacy of the Provider’s systems or the information on them.
13.2 Transmission. The Provider shall do all things reasonable to ensure that the transmission of data occurs according to accepted industry standards. It is up to the Customer to ensure that any transmission standards meet the Customer’s operating and legal requirements.
13.3 Storage. The Provider may limit the amount of data that the Customer stores in the Solution, and shall advise the Customer of such. Data that is stored with the Provider shall be stored according to accepted industry standards.
13.4 Backup. The Provider shall perform backups of its entire systems in as reasonable manner at such times and intervals as is reasonable for its business purposes. The Provider does not warrant that it is able to backup or recover specific Customer Data from any period of time unless so stated in writing by the Provider.
13.5 Transfer & Return. Upon request, the Provider shall export all the Customer Data and return same to the Customer by way of physical media or download, as is appropriate, and the Customer shall pay Fees & Charges and reimburse the Provider for any reasonable expenses incurred in doing so (such as freight and insurance).
14.1 Solution. By accepting the terms of this agreement the Customer agrees that the Provider shall provide access to the solution to the best of its abilities, however it accepts no responsibility for ongoing access to the Solution.
15.1 Trademarks. The Provider has moral & registered rights in its trademarks and the Customer shall not copy, alter, use or otherwise deal in the marks without the prior written consent of the Provider.
15.2 Proprietary Information. The Solution may use software and other proprietary systems and Intellectual Property for which the Provider has appropriate authority to use, and the Customer agrees that such is protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, proprietary rights and other laws, both domestically and internationally. The Customer warrants that it shall not infringe on any third-party rights through the use of the Solution.
15.3 Solution. The Customer agrees and accept that the Solution is the Intellectual Property of the Provider and the Customer further warrants that by using the Solution the Customer will not:
15.4 copy the Solution or the services that it provides for the Customer’s own commercial purposes; and
15.5 directly or indirectly copy, recreate, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise obtain, modify or use any source or object code, architecture, algorithms contained in the Solution or any documentation associated with it.
15.6 Content. All content (with the exception of Customer Data) remains the Intellectual Property, including (without limitation) any source code, ideas, enhancements, feature requests, suggestions or other information provided by the Customer or any other party with respect to the Solution.
16.1 The information and classes of information in item E of the Particulars are Confidential Information for the purposes of this agreement.
16.2 Each party acknowledges and agrees that:
(a) the Confidential Information is secret, confidential and valuable to the disclosing party (Discloser);
(b) it owes an obligation of confidence to the Discloser concerning the Confidential Information;
(c) it must not disclose the Confidential Information to a third party except as permitted in this agreement;
(d) all Intellectual Property rights remain vested in the Discloser but disclosure of Confidential Information does not in any way transfer or assign any rights or interests in the Intellectual Property to the receiving party; and
(e) any breach or threatened breach by the receiving party of an obligation under this agreement may cause the Discloser immediate and irreparable harm for which damages alone may not be an adequate remedy. Consequently the Discloser has the right, in addition to other remedies available at law or in equity, to seek injunctive relief against the receiving party (and its agents, assigns, employees, officers and directors, personally) or to compel specific performance of this clause.
16.3 A party must notify the Discloser in writing, giving full details known to it immediately, when it becomes aware of:
(a) any actual, suspected, likely or threatened breach by it of clause 16.1;
(b) any actual, suspected, likely or threatened breach by any person of any obligation in relation to the Confidential Information; or
(c) any actual, suspected, likely or threatened theft, loss, damage, or unauthorised access, use or disclosure of or to any Confidential Information.
16.4 The receiving party must promptly take all steps that the Discloser may reasonably require and must co-operate with any investigation, litigation or other action of the Discloser or of a related body corporate if there is:
(a) any actual, suspected, likely or threatened breach of a term of this agreement; or
(b) any theft, loss, damage or unauthorised access, use or disclosure of or to any Confidential Information that is or was in its possession or control.
17.1 The Customer agrees that it uses the Solution at its own risk.
17.2 The Customer acknowledges that the Provider is not responsible for the conduct or activities of any user and that the Provider is not liable for such under any circumstances.
17.3 The Customer agrees to indemnify the Provider for any loss, damage, cost or expense that the Provider may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with the Customer’s use of or conduct in connection with the Solution, including any breach by the Customer of this agreement.
17.4 In no circumstances will the Provider be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages, loss or corruption of data, loss of profits, goodwill, bargain or opportunity, loss of anticipated savings or any other similar or analogous loss resulting from the Customer’s access to, or use of, or inability to use the Solution or any content, or in any way relating to an experience itself (or the provision or non-provision of an experience), whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence, in equity or any other legal theory, and whether or not the Provider knew or should have known of the possibility of such damage to business interruption of any type, whether in tort, contract or otherwise.
17.5 Certain rights and remedies may be available under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or similar legislation of other States or Territories and may not be permitted to be excluded, restricted or modified. Apart from those that cannot be excluded, the Provider and the Provider’s related entities exclude all conditions and warranties that may be implied by law. To the extent permitted by law, the Provider’s liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition that cannot be excluded is restricted, at the Provider’s option to:
17.6 the re-supply of services or payment of the cost of re-supply of services; or
17.7 the replacement or repair of goods or payment of the cost of replacement or repair.
18.1 Where a party is in breach of this agreement, the other party may issue a written notice (Breach Notice) requiring the party in breach that must set out:
(a) the nature of the breach;
(b) the provisions of the agreement that are alleged to have been breached;
(c) a reasonable timeframe to remedy the breach in not less than 10 Business Days; and
(d) the action required to remedy the breach.
18.2 Where a party issues a compliant Breach Notice in accordance with clause 18.1, the receiving party shall be required to respond and/or remedy the breach as so set out in the Breach Notice. Failure to respond in writing setting out:
(a) the steps taken to remedy the breach; or
(b) why the party believes it is not in breach as put forward in the Breach Notice,
(c) shall not in itself confirm the alleged breach but shall be in itself a breach of this agreement.
18.3 Failure to remedy a breach set out in a Breach Notice shall be a material breach of this agreement (Material Breach).
19.1 Breach. Where a party is in Material Breach of this agreement, the other party may terminate this agreement by giving written notice of termination, which shall become effective 5 Business Days after the date of the notice.
19.2 Cancellation or Non-Renewal. The Customer may terminate this agreement with no less than the period of notice set out in item F of the Particulars.
19.3 Insolvency. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately by notice, if either party:
(a) stops or suspends or threatens to stop or suspend payment of all or a class of its debts;
(b) is insolvent within the meaning of section 95A of the Corporations Act;
(c) fails to comply with a statutory demand (within the meaning of section 459F(1) of the Corporations Act) unless:
(d) the debt to which the statutory demand relates is discharged within 15 Business Days of the date of the failure; or
(e) the party demonstrates to the satisfaction of the other party (acting reasonably) that it is able to pay all its debts as and when they become due and payable;
(f) has an administrator appointed in respect of it;
(g) has a controller within the meaning of section 9 of the Corporations Act or similar officer appointed to the whole or a substantial part of its assets or undertaking and that controller or similar officer is not removed within 15 Business Days of the appointment;
(h) has an order made or a resolution passed for its winding up or dissolution or it enters into an arrangement, compromise or composition with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or a class of them;
(i) has any security enforced over, or a distress, execution or other similar process levied or served against, the whole or a substantial part of its assets or undertaking; or
(j) is subject to any event which, under the law of any relevant jurisdiction, has an analogous or equivalent effect to any of the events listed above.
19.4 Expiry or termination of this agreement is without prejudice to and does not affect the accrued rights or remedies of any of the parties arising in any way out of this agreement up to the date of expiry or termination.
19.5 The rights and obligations under the relevant provisions of clauses 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 survive termination of this agreement.
20.1 Negotiation. If there is a dispute between the parties relating to or arising out of this agreement, then within 5 Business Days of a party notifying the other party of a dispute, senior representatives from each party must meet and use all reasonable endeavours acting in good faith to resolve the dispute by joint discussions.
20.2 Mediation. If the dispute between the parties relating to or arising out of this agreement is not resolved within five Business Days of notification of the dispute under Clause 20.1, the parties must agree to submit the dispute to mediation, administered by lawyers engaged in alternative dispute resolution.
20.3 Arbitration. If the dispute between the parties relating to or arising out of this agreement is not settled by mediation under Clause 20.2, either party may by written notice to the other refer the dispute to arbitration administered by the Institute of Arbitrators Australia. The arbitrator will be agreed between the parties from a panel suggested by the President of the Institute of Arbitrators Australia or failing agreement, an arbitrator will be appointed by the President of the Institute of Arbitrators Australia.
20.4 Court proceedings. A party may not commence court proceedings in relation to a dispute relating to or arising out of this agreement until it has exhausted the procedures in this clause 20.4 unless the party seeks appropriate injunctive or other interlocutory relief to preserve property or rights or to avoid losses that are not compensable in damages.
21.1 If a party is prevented in whole or in part from carrying out its obligations under this agreement as a result of Force Majeure, it will promptly notify the other party accordingly. The notice must:
(a) specify the obligations and the extent to which it cannot perform those obligations;
(b) fully describe the event of Force Majeure;
(c) estimate the time during which the Force Majeure will continue; and
(d) specify the measures proposed to be adopted to remedy or abate the Force Majeure.
21.2 Following a notice of Force Majeure in accordance with clause 21.1 and while the Force Majeure continues, the obligations which cannot be performed because of the Force Majeure will be suspended, other than obligations to pay money that is due and payable.
21.3 The party that is prevented from carrying out its obligations under this agreement as a result of Force Majeure must remedy the Force Majeure to the extent reasonably practicable and resume performance of its obligations as soon as reasonably possible.
21.4 The party that is prevented from carrying out its obligations under this agreement as a result of Force Majeure must take all action reasonably practicable to mitigate any loss suffered by the other party as a result of the party’s failure to carry out its obligations under this agreement.
21.5 The term of this agreement will not be extended by the period of Force Majeure.
22.1 The words in this clause that are defined in the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) have the same meaning.
22.2 Each party to this agreement agrees to the clauses in the Particulars and the Special Conditions. The Particulars, Special Conditions and the General Conditions form a single legal agreement. To the extent that the Particulars or the Special Conditions are inconsistent with the General Conditions, the terms of the Particulars will prevail. To the extent that the Special Conditions are inconsistent with the Particulars, the Special Conditions will prevail.
22.3 The Customer can direct notices, enquiries, complaints and so forth to the Provider as set out in this agreement. The Provider will notify the Customer of a change of details from time-to-time.
22.4 The Provider will send the Customer notices and other correspondence to the details that the Customer submits to the Provider, or that the Customer notifies the Provider of from time-to-time. It is the Customer’s responsibility to update its contact details as they change.
22.5 A consent, notice or communication under this agreement is effective if it is sent as an electronic communication unless required to be physically delivered under law.
22.6 Notices must be sent to the parties’ contact details as specified in item A of the Particulars.
22.7 The parties to this agreement may only assign or otherwise create an interest in their rights under this document with the written consent of each other party.
23.1 Disclaimer. Each party acknowledges that it has not relied on any representation, warranty or statement made by any other party, other than as set out in this agreement.
23.2 Relationship. The relationship of the parties to this agreement does not form a joint venture or hip.
23.3 Waiver. No clause of this agreement will be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or consent is provided in writing.
23.4 Further Assurances. Each party must do anything necessary (including executing agreements and documents) to give full effect to this agreement and the transaction facilitated by it.
23.5 Governing Law. This agreement is governed by the laws of the state set out in item G of the Particulars. Each of the parties hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts with jurisdiction there.
23.6 Liability for Expenses. Each party must pay its own expenses incurred in negotiating, executing, stamping and registering this agreement.
23.7 Inconsistency. If this agreement is inconsistent with any other document or agreement between the parties, this document prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
23.8 Counterparts. This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts. All counterparts together will be taken to constitute one instrument.
23.9 Time. Time is of the essence in this agreement.
23.10 Severability. Any clause of this agreement, which is invalid or unenforceable is ineffective to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the remaining clauses of this agreement.